Saturday, May 31, 2014

Final Exams? Don't Be Tempted to Cram!

The words "final exam" inspire panic in quite a few students and trigger massive last-minute studying binges.  However, studying for classes is something a wise student does regularly throughout the semester or quarter.  He or she knows that true learning takes place over an extended period of time, built in little chunks at a time on a strong foundation of knowledge.  What's that you're saying?  You're not that kind of student?  Well, you can be.  It just takes a bit of planning and a strong commitment to your education and yourself.  You should give it a try next time around.  Here's how.

Start your plan for success at the very beginning of classes.  One of the first things you should do when starting a new semester or quarter is to gather the syllabi for all your classes together along with your planner.  Begin by highlighting exam dates and important deadlines for each of your classes, and then enter that information for all classes into your planner.  This will give you an accurate view of the "big picture" and help you plan ahead to have plenty of time to prepare for important tests and projects.

For each exam you have in your classes, make a study plan.  For instance, if you are taking a 16 week course and have a cumulative midterm in week 8, you might want to start adding some extra study time for that class in about week 6.  Consider the length and point value of each exam and/or project when planning preparation time.  A 20 point multiple choice quiz over two text chapters should take less study time than a 200 point final exam over the entire course.

Good class preparation and follow up is half the battle.  If you keep up with assigned readings, take good notes during lecture, and review your notes and text on a regular basis, you are building that strong foundation of knowledge upon which your test preparation efforts will firmly rest.  Reading and reviewing your notes and the text are best done in small, manageable chunks that allow your brain to fully integrate the information well before the day of that important test.

Do some concentrated studying the night before.   Even if you are well-prepared, there's something about really cracking down for a couple hours the night before a final exam that boosts your confidence.  Don't overdo it though, and be sure to get a good night's sleep.

BUT -- if you find yourself in a tough spot and you need to cram, do it strategically.

  • Concentrate on one class at a time if at all possible.
  • Remove all distractions of any kind from your environment so you can focus.
  • Use the study aids contained in your textbook (summaries, highlighted terms, definitions, and so on) and skim chapters for highlights and main ideas.
  • Make sure you have all the supplies you need for studying on hand.
  • Do not pull an all-nighter; your brain will not operate at its best without sleep!
  • Plan not to put yourself in this stressful cramming situation ever again.
Want more final exam tips?  Check out The Day of the Final Exam for extra advice.