Monday, June 13, 2011

What NOT To Do with a Syllabus


• Space out, talk, text, and/or sleep while the instructor is reviewing the syllabus in class. Better yet, don’t even show up the first day of class when the syllabus is likely to be reviewed in detail.

• Don’t read it – in fact, go ahead and lose it or throw it away. That way, you can use not knowing what is in the syllabus as an excuse for a variety of things the entire semester.

• Don’t bring it to class. After all, who needs to keep track of when things like due dates for tests and major assignments are changed?

• Don’t transfer test and assignment due dates from your syllabus to your planner or calendar. Everyone knows that the work required for one class has no relationship to what you need to do for other classes.

• Don’t look at all your class syllabi together at once to get the big picture of how you need to organize your time and energy for the semester. It’s just too overwhelming!