Monday, June 13, 2011

Treat Your College Education Like a Job

A significant number of college students work either part-time or full-time while they are completing their higher education. Applying the expectations that employers have for their employees – being on time, following rules and procedures, completing work assignments in a timely manner, engaging in courteous interactions with others, behaving appropriately, and being self-responsible – to your education can powerfully increase your college success potential.

Consider this. College is your own investment of time, energy, money, and intellectual resources into your future. This is an investment that can never be taken away from you. What you put into your college education will have a tremendous impact on the quality of what you get out of it.

A student who approaches his or her education in a responsible, consistent, and engaged manner is a student who is more likely to obtain positive future recommendations from professors for jobs or graduate school.

Applying good workplace habits to your education can be a great stress reducer by giving you a better sense of control.

Yes, you can still have fun in college. Knowing when to be serious and focused and knowing when it’s okay to relax and hang out is a valuable life and work skill to practice.