Friday, August 12, 2011

The Frugal Student

It's no great secret that college is expensive. In addition to obtaining financial aid, here are some things to consider to help you control expenses.

  • When shopping for supplies, don't forget your local Dollar Tree, Big Lots, 99 Cents Only, and other deep discount stores. There will be some supplies that you will want to spend more money on (computers, graphing calculators, and the like), but for others, a less expensive version will work just fine.
  • Consider renting your textbooks. Most college bookstores and many websites offer this option which will typically save you 50% off the cost of a new textbook. Get your textbook information from the instructor as soon as you are registered for the course and you can start shopping. If you order your texts from a website, remember to allow enough time to get them before the first day of class.
  • If public transportation to and from campus is a reasonable option for you, this could save you a lot of money. Many colleges have arranged for discounted or free student transportation via public transit. If you must drive to campus, think about carpooling with other students to save money and keep campus parking lots less crazy. If you only come to campus a couple of days per week, look at the costs of daily parking passes versus semester parking passes.
  • Working on campus in a job specifically designed for students can help save money and time. Such jobs are usually designed around your class schedule. If you can obtain a full time staff job on at your college, tuition is often discounted deeply. Keep in mind that full time staff jobs are difficult to obtain in the present economic climate, but student jobs still seem to be plentiful.
  • The cost of housing can be overwhelming for students. If you are a college student who can live for free or for reduced rent with your parents or other family members while you attend school, it will save you considerable money. You also may want to consider having roommates in an apartment or house. Another option is to rent a room in someone's house. You may also find some situations where housing is provided in exchange for work for the homeowner. For instance, in my area (Inland Southern California), it is possible for one to find such arrangements at horse or livestock facilities.
  • If there is some item you need, check out the local Craigslist or Freecycle listings. At times you can find goods that are barely used at all for great prices.
  • If you have some particular talent or ability that is marketable, you might want to check into doing a bit of freelance work to earn some extra money.